
582 B


for initiative!


$ roll 2d20
throwing 2d20:
1:	┆    8
2:	┆    6
total:	╰╶╶ 14

$ roll 5d4+2
throwing 5d4+2:
1:	┆    3
2:	┆    4
3:	┆    2
4:	┆    4
5:	┆    1
mod:	┆   +2
total:	╰╶╶ 16

$ roll # defaults to 1d20
throwing 1d20:
1:	┆   20
total:	╰╶╶ 20
critical hit!

$ roll advantage # or roll adv, roll a
throwing 2d20 with advantage:
1:	┆    3
2:	┆   14
total:	╰╶╶ 14

$ roll disadvantage # or roll dis, roll d
throwing 2d20 with disadvantage:
1:	┆    1
2:	┆   19
total:	╰╶╶╶ 1
critical miss!