Add some packages, format with nixpkgs-fmt

mat ess 2022-01-23 18:50:34 -05:00
parent 52f410cb3e
commit a695374977
19 changed files with 268 additions and 253 deletions

View File

@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
nix.binaryCaches = [ nix.binaryCaches = [
"" ""
]; ];
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [ nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [
"" ""
]; ];
nix.trustedUsers = [ nix.trustedUsers = [
"@admin" "@admin"
@ -51,4 +55,4 @@
# $ darwin-rebuild changelog # $ darwin-rebuild changelog
system.stateVersion = 4; system.stateVersion = 4;
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{pkgs, lib, ... }: { pkgs, lib, ... }:
{ {
imports = [ imports = [
@ -54,4 +54,4 @@
# Add ability to used TouchID for sudo authentication # Add ability to used TouchID for sudo authentication
security.pam.enableSudoTouchIdAuth = true; security.pam.enableSudoTouchIdAuth = true;
} }

View File

@ -37,17 +37,19 @@ in
"homebrew/core" "homebrew/core"
"homebrew/services" "homebrew/services"
"nrlquaker/createzap" "nrlquaker/createzap"
]; ];
# Prefer installing application from the Mac App Store # Prefer installing application from the Mac App Store
homebrew.masApps = { homebrew.masApps = {
Bitwarden = 1352778147; Bitwarden = 1352778147;
Spark = 1176895641; Spark = 1176895641;
}; };
# If an app isn't available in the Mac App Store, or the version in the App Store has # If an app isn't available in the Mac App Store, or the version in the App Store has
# limitiations, e.g., Transmit, install the Homebrew Cask. # limitiations, e.g., Transmit, install the Homebrew Cask.
homebrew.casks = [ homebrew.casks = [
"alfred" "alfred"
"discord" "discord"
"element" "element"
@ -59,14 +61,15 @@ in
"rectangle" "rectangle"
"signal" "signal"
"steam" "steam"
"vscodium" "vscodium"
]; ];
# Configuration related to casks # Configuration related to casks
environment.variables.SSH_AUTH_SOCK = mkIfCaskPresent "secretive" environment.variables.SSH_AUTH_SOCK = mkIfCaskPresent "secretive"
"/Users/${config.users.primaryUser}/Library/Containers/com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent/Data/socket.ssh"; "/Users/${config.users.primaryUser}/Library/Containers/com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent/Data/socket.ssh";
# For cli packages that aren't currently available for macOS in `nixpkgs`.Packages should be # For cli packages that aren't currently available for macOS in `nixpkgs`.Packages should be
# installed in `../home/default.nix` whenever possible. # installed in `../home/default.nix` whenever possible.
homebrew.brews = []; homebrew.brews = [ ];
} }

View File

@ -52,4 +52,4 @@
TrackpadRightClick = true; TrackpadRightClick = true;
TrackpadThreeFingerDrag = true; TrackpadThreeFingerDrag = true;
}; };
} }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
# See # See
(import ( (import
let (
lock = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock); let
in fetchTarball { lock = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock);
url = "${lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.rev}.tar.gz"; in
sha256 = lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.narHash; } fetchTarball {
) { url = "${lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.rev}.tar.gz";
src = ./.; sha256 = lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.narHash;
}).defaultNix }
src = ./.;

View File

@ -18,170 +18,170 @@
}; };
outputs = { self, darwin, nixpkgs, home-manager, flake-utils, ... }@inputs: outputs = { self, darwin, nixpkgs, home-manager, flake-utils, ... }@inputs:
let let
inherit (darwin.lib) darwinSystem; inherit (darwin.lib) darwinSystem;
inherit (inputs.nixpkgs-unstable.lib) attrValues makeOverridable optionalAttrs singleton; inherit (inputs.nixpkgs-unstable.lib) attrValues makeOverridable optionalAttrs singleton;
# Configuration for `nixpkgs` # Configuration for `nixpkgs`
nixpkgsConfig = { nixpkgsConfig = {
config = { allowUnfree = true; }; config = { allowUnfree = true; };
# overlays = attrValues self.overlays; # overlays = attrValues self.overlays;
overlays = attrValues self.overlays ++ singleton ( overlays = attrValues self.overlays ++ singleton (
# Sub in x86 version of packages that don't build on Apple Silicon yet # Sub in x86 version of packages that don't build on Apple Silicon yet
final: prev: (optionalAttrs (prev.stdenv.system == "aarch64-darwin") { final: prev: (optionalAttrs (prev.stdenv.system == "aarch64-darwin") {
inherit (final.pkgs-x86) inherit (final.pkgs-x86)
# idris2 # idris2
# nix-index # nix-index
# purescript; # purescript;
niv; niv;
# Shared home-manager configs
homeManagerStateVersion = "22.05";
homeManagerCommonConfig = {
imports = attrValues self.homeManagerModules ++ [
{ home.stateVersion = homeManagerStateVersion; }
# Modules shared by most `nix-darwin` personal configurations.
nixDarwinCommonModules = attrValues self.darwinModules ++ [
# Main `nix-darwin` config
# `home-manager` module
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (config.users) primaryUser;
nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig;
# Hack to support legacy worklows that use `<nixpkgs>` etc.
nix.nixPath = { nixpkgs = "$HOME/dotfiles.nix/nixpkgs.nix"; };
# `home-manager` config
users.users.${primaryUser}.home = "/Users/${primaryUser}";
home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
home-manager.users.${primaryUser} = homeManagerCommonConfig;
# Add a registry entry for this flake = self;
# `nix-darwin` configs
darwinConfigurations = rec {
# Mininal configurations to bootstrap systems
bootstrap-x86 = makeOverridable darwinSystem {
system = "x86_64-darwin";
modules = [ ./darwin/bootstrap.nix { nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig; } ];
bootstrap-arm = bootstrap-x86.override { system = "aarch64-darwin"; };
# M1 MBP
matbook = darwinSystem {
system = "aarch64-darwin";
modules = nixDarwinCommonModules ++ [
users.primaryUser = "mat";
networking.computerName = "matbook pro m1";
networking.hostName = "matbook";
networking.knownNetworkServices = [
# Config with small modifications needed/desired for CI with GitHub workflow
githubCI = darwinSystem {
system = "x86_64-darwin";
modules = nixDarwinCommonModules ++ [
({ lib, ... }: {
users.primaryUser = "runner";
homebrew.enable = lib.mkForce false;
}) })
# Shared home-manager configs
homeManagerStateVersion = "22.05";
homeManagerCommonConfig = {
imports = attrValues self.homeManagerModules ++ [
{ home.stateVersion = homeManagerStateVersion; }
]; ];
}; };
# Build and activate with `nix build .#cloudVM.activationPackage; ./result/activate` # Modules shared by most `nix-darwin` personal configurations.
cloudVM = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration { nixDarwinCommonModules = attrValues self.darwinModules ++ [
system = "x86_64-linux"; # Main `nix-darwin` config
stateVersion = homeManagerStateVersion; ./darwin
homeDirectory = "/home/mat"; # `home-manager` module
username = "mat"; home-manager.darwinModules.home-manager
configuration = { (
imports = [ homeManagerCommonConfig ]; { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig; let
}; inherit (config.users) primaryUser;
}; in
# attrValues self.darwinModules ++ [ nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig;
# # Main `nix-darwin` config # Hack to support legacy worklows that use `<nixpkgs>` etc.
# ./configuration.nix nix.nixPath = { nixpkgs = "$HOME/dotfiles.nix/nixpkgs.nix"; };
# # `home-manager` module # `home-manager` config
# home-manager.darwinModules.home-manager users.users.${primaryUser}.home = "/Users/${primaryUser}";
# { home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
# nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig; home-manager.users.${primaryUser} = homeManagerCommonConfig;
# # `home-manager` config # Add a registry entry for this flake
# home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true; = self;
# home-manager.useUserPackages = true; }
# home-manager.users.mat = import ./home.nix; )
# } ];
# ]; in
# }; {
}; # `nix-darwin` configs
darwinConfigurations = rec {
# Overlays --------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ # Mininal configurations to bootstrap systems
bootstrap-x86 = makeOverridable darwinSystem {
overlays = {
# nixpkgs overlays
pkgs-stable = final: prev: {
pkgs-stable = import inputs.nixpkgs {
inherit (prev.stdenv) system;
inherit (nixpkgsConfig) config;
pkgs-unstable = final: prev: {
pkgs-unstable = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable {
inherit (prev.stdenv) system;
inherit (nixpkgsConfig) config;
colors = import ./overlays/colors.nix;
# Overlay useful on Macs with Apple Silicon
apple-silicon = final: prev: optionalAttrs (prev.stdenv.system == "aarch64-darwin") {
# Add access to x86 packages system is running Apple Silicon
pkgs-x86 = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable {
system = "x86_64-darwin"; system = "x86_64-darwin";
inherit (nixpkgsConfig) config; modules = [ ./darwin/bootstrap.nix { nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig; } ];
bootstrap-arm = bootstrap-x86.override { system = "aarch64-darwin"; };
# M1 MBP
matbook = darwinSystem {
system = "aarch64-darwin";
modules = nixDarwinCommonModules ++ [
users.primaryUser = "mat";
networking.computerName = "matbook pro m1";
networking.hostName = "matbook";
networking.knownNetworkServices = [
# Config with small modifications needed/desired for CI with GitHub workflow
githubCI = darwinSystem {
system = "x86_64-darwin";
modules = nixDarwinCommonModules ++ [
({ lib, ... }: {
users.primaryUser = "runner";
homebrew.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# Build and activate with `nix build .#cloudVM.activationPackage; ./result/activate`
cloudVM = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
system = "x86_64-linux";
stateVersion = homeManagerStateVersion;
homeDirectory = "/home/mat";
username = "mat";
configuration = {
imports = [ homeManagerCommonConfig ];
nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig;
# attrValues self.darwinModules ++ [
# # Main `nix-darwin` config
# ./configuration.nix
# # `home-manager` module
# home-manager.darwinModules.home-manager
# {
# nixpkgs = nixpkgsConfig;
# # `home-manager` config
# home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
# home-manager.useUserPackages = true;
# home-manager.users.mat = import ./home.nix;
# }
# ];
# };
# Overlays --------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
overlays = {
# nixpkgs overlays
pkgs-stable = final: prev: {
pkgs-stable = import inputs.nixpkgs {
inherit (prev.stdenv) system;
inherit (nixpkgsConfig) config;
pkgs-unstable = final: prev: {
pkgs-unstable = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable {
inherit (prev.stdenv) system;
inherit (nixpkgsConfig) config;
colors = import ./overlays/colors.nix;
# Overlay useful on Macs with Apple Silicon
apple-silicon = final: prev: optionalAttrs (prev.stdenv.system == "aarch64-darwin") {
# Add access to x86 packages system is running Apple Silicon
pkgs-x86 = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable {
system = "x86_64-darwin";
inherit (nixpkgsConfig) config;
}; };
}; };
# `nix-darwin` modules (some are pending upstream acceptance) # `nix-darwin` modules (some are pending upstream acceptance)
darwinModules = { darwinModules = {
programs-nix-index = import ./modules/darwin/programs/nix-index.nix; programs-nix-index = import ./modules/darwin/programs/nix-index.nix;
security-pam = import ./modules/darwin/security/pam.nix; security-pam = import ./modules/darwin/security/pam.nix;
users = import ./modules/darwin/users.nix; users = import ./modules/darwin/users.nix;
}; };
# home manager configurations # home manager configurations
homeManagerModules = { homeManagerModules = {
# configs-git-aliases = import ./home/configs/git-aliases.nix; # configs-git-aliases = import ./home/configs/git-aliases.nix;
# configs-gh-aliases = import ./home/configs/gh-aliases.nix; # configs-gh-aliases = import ./home/configs/gh-aliases.nix;
configs-starship-symbols = import ./home/configs/starship-symbols.nix; configs-starship-symbols = import ./home/configs/starship-symbols.nix;
programs-neovim-extras = import ./modules/home/programs/neovim/extras.nix; programs-neovim-extras = import ./modules/home/programs/neovim/extras.nix;
programs-kitty-extras = import ./modules/home/programs/kitty/extras.nix; programs-kitty-extras = import ./modules/home/programs/kitty/extras.nix;
}; };
} // flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: { } // flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
legacyPackages = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable { legacyPackages = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable {
@ -195,4 +195,4 @@
]; ];
}; };
}); });
} }

View File

@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ let inherit (lib) mkDefault; in
vagrant.symbol = mkDefault "𝗩 "; vagrant.symbol = mkDefault "𝗩 ";
zig.symbol = mkDefault " "; zig.symbol = mkDefault " ";
}; };
} }

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# #
atuin = { atuin = {
enable = true; enable = true;
settings = {}; settings = { };
}; };
# a nicer cat # a nicer cat
# #
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
cachix # adding/managing alternative binary caches hosted by Cachix cachix # adding/managing alternative binary caches hosted by Cachix
comma # run software from without installing it comma # run software from without installing it
niv # easy dependency management for nix projects niv # easy dependency management for nix projects
nixfmt nixpkgs-fmt
nix-prefetch-git nix-prefetch-git
# nodePackages.node2nix # nodePackages.node2nix
@ -129,4 +129,4 @@
# Stop `parallel` from displaying citation warning # Stop `parallel` from displaying citation warning
# home.file.".parallel/will-cite".text = ""; # home.file.".parallel/will-cite".text = "";
# }}} # }}}
} }

View File

@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
# Aliases config imported in flake. # Aliases config imported in flake. = true; = true; = "ssh"; = "ssh";
} }

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ let
inactive_tab_background = "#${strong}"; inactive_tab_background = "#${strong}";
}; };
in in
# }}} # }}}
{ {
# Kitty terminal # Kitty terminal
# #
@ -119,4 +119,4 @@ in
end end
''; '';
# }}} # }}}
} }

View File

@ -89,4 +89,4 @@ in
rnix-lsp rnix-lsp
] ++ optional (pkgs.stdenv.system != "x86_64-darwin") sumneko-lua-language-server; ] ++ optional (pkgs.stdenv.system != "x86_64-darwin") sumneko-lua-language-server;
# }}} # }}}
} }

View File

@ -127,36 +127,37 @@
# Fish configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ # Fish configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
# Aliases # Aliases = =
let let
nixConfigDir = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/dotfiles.nix"; nixConfigDir = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/dotfiles.nix";
in with pkgs; { in
# My additions with pkgs; {
code = "codium"; # My additions
# OG code = "codium";
# Nix related # OG
drb = "darwin-rebuild build --flake ${nixConfigDir}/"; # Nix related
drs = "darwin-rebuild switch --flake ${nixConfigDir}/"; drb = "darwin-rebuild build --flake ${nixConfigDir}/";
drc = "codium ${nixConfigDir}"; drs = "darwin-rebuild switch --flake ${nixConfigDir}/";
flakeup = "nix flake update --recreate-lock-file ${nixConfigDir}/"; drc = "codium ${nixConfigDir}";
nb = "nix build"; flakeup = "nix flake update --recreate-lock-file ${nixConfigDir}/";
nd = "nix develop"; nb = "nix build";
nf = "nix flake"; nd = "nix develop";
nr = "nix run"; nf = "nix flake";
ns = "nix search"; nr = "nix run";
ns = "nix search";
# Other # Other
".." = "cd .."; ".." = "cd ..";
":q" = "exit"; ":q" = "exit";
cat = "${bat}/bin/bat"; cat = "${bat}/bin/bat";
du = "${du-dust}/bin/dust"; du = "${du-dust}/bin/dust";
g = "${gitAndTools.git}/bin/git"; g = "${gitAndTools.git}/bin/git";
la = "ll -a"; la = "ll -a";
ll = "ls -l --time-style long-iso --icons"; ll = "ls -l --time-style long-iso --icons";
ls = "${exa}/bin/exa"; ls = "${exa}/bin/exa";
ps = "${procs}/bin/procs"; ps = "${procs}/bin/procs";
tb = "toggle-background"; tb = "toggle-background";
}; };
# Configuration that should be above `loginShellInit` and `interactiveShellInit`. # Configuration that should be above `loginShellInit` and `interactiveShellInit`. = '' = ''

View File

@ -13,5 +13,5 @@
''} ''}
end end
''; '';
}; };
} }

View File

@ -17,24 +17,25 @@ let
# added line that includes the name of the option, to make it easier to identify the line that # added line that includes the name of the option, to make it easier to identify the line that
# should be deleted when the option is disabled. # should be deleted when the option is disabled.
mkSudoTouchIdAuthScript = isEnabled: mkSudoTouchIdAuthScript = isEnabled:
let let
file = "/etc/pam.d/sudo"; file = "/etc/pam.d/sudo";
option = "security.pam.enableSudoTouchIdAuth"; option = "security.pam.enableSudoTouchIdAuth";
in '' in
${if isEnabled then '' ''
# Enable sudo Touch ID authentication, if not already enabled ${if isEnabled then ''
if ! grep '' ${file} > /dev/null; then # Enable sudo Touch ID authentication, if not already enabled
sed -i "" '2i\ if ! grep '' ${file} > /dev/null; then
auth sufficient # nix-darwin: ${option} sed -i "" '2i\
' ${file} auth sufficient # nix-darwin: ${option}
fi ' ${file}
'' else '' fi
# Disable sudo Touch ID authentication, if added by nix-darwin '' else ''
if grep '${option}' ${file} > /dev/null; then # Disable sudo Touch ID authentication, if added by nix-darwin
sed -i "" '/${option}/d' ${file} if grep '${option}' ${file} > /dev/null; then
fi sed -i "" '/${option}/d' ${file}
''} fi
''; ''}
in in
{ {
@ -56,4 +57,4 @@ in
${mkSudoTouchIdAuthScript cfg.enableSudoTouchIdAuth} ${mkSudoTouchIdAuthScript cfg.enableSudoTouchIdAuth}
''; '';
}; };
} }

View File

@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ in
default = null; default = null;
}; };
}; };
} }

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ let
cfg = config.programs.kitty.extras; cfg = config.programs.kitty.extras;
# Create a Kitty config string from a Nix set # Create a Kitty config string from a Nix set
setToKittyConfig = with generators; toKeyValue { mkKeyValue = mkKeyValueDefault {} " "; }; setToKittyConfig = with generators; toKeyValue { mkKeyValue = mkKeyValueDefault { } " "; };
# Write a Nix set representing a kitty config into the Nix store # Write a Nix set representing a kitty config into the Nix store
writeKittyConfig = fileName: config: pkgs.writeTextDir "${fileName}" (setToKittyConfig config); writeKittyConfig = fileName: config: pkgs.writeTextDir "${fileName}" (setToKittyConfig config);
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ let
${term-background}/bin/term-background dark ${term-background}/bin/term-background dark
''; '';
in { in
options.programs.kitty.extras = { options.programs.kitty.extras = {
colors = { colors = {
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ in {
dark = mkOption { dark = mkOption {
type = with types; attrsOf str; type = with types; attrsOf str;
default = {}; default = { };
description = '' description = ''
Kitty color settings for dark background colorscheme. Kitty color settings for dark background colorscheme.
''; '';
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ in {
light = mkOption { light = mkOption {
type = with types; attrsOf str; type = with types; attrsOf str;
default = {}; default = { };
description = '' description = ''
Kitty color settings for light background colorscheme. Kitty color settings for light background colorscheme.
''; '';
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ in {
common = mkOption { common = mkOption {
type = with types; attrsOf str; type = with types; attrsOf str;
default = {}; default = { };
description = '' description = ''
Kitty color settings that the light and dark background colorschemes share. Kitty color settings that the light and dark background colorschemes share.
''; '';
@ -109,14 +110,15 @@ in {
term-background term-background
]; ];
programs.kitty.settings = optionalAttrs cfg.colors.enable ( programs.kitty.settings = optionalAttrs cfg.colors.enable
cfg.colors.common // cfg.colors.${cfg.colors.default} // { cfg.colors.common // cfg.colors.${cfg.colors.default} // {
allow_remote_control = "yes"; allow_remote_control = "yes";
listen_on = "unix:/tmp/mykitty"; listen_on = "unix:/tmp/mykitty";
} }
) // optionalAttrs (cfg.useSymbolsFromNerdFont != "") { ) // optionalAttrs (cfg.useSymbolsFromNerdFont != "") {
# #
symbol_map = "U+E5FA-U+E62B,U+E700-U+E7C5,U+F000-U+F2E0,U+E200-U+E2A9,U+F500-U+FD46,U+E300-U+E3EB,U+F400-U+F4A8,U+2665,U+26a1,U+F27C,U+E0A3,U+E0B4-U+E0C8,U+E0CA,U+E0CC-U+E0D2,U+E0D4,U+23FB-U+23FE,U+2B58,U+F300-U+F313,U+E000-U+E00D ${cfg.useSymbolsFromNerdFont}"; symbol_map = "U+E5FA-U+E62B,U+E700-U+E7C5,U+F000-U+F2E0,U+E200-U+E2A9,U+F500-U+FD46,U+E300-U+E3EB,U+F400-U+F4A8,U+2665,U+26a1,U+F27C,U+E0A3,U+E0B4-U+E0C8,U+E0CA,U+E0CC-U+E0D2,U+E0D4,U+23FB-U+23FE,U+2B58,U+F300-U+F313,U+E000-U+E00D ${cfg.useSymbolsFromNerdFont}";
@ -128,4 +130,4 @@ in {
}; };
} }

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ in
luaPackages = mkOption { luaPackages = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf package; type = with types; listOf package;
default = []; default = [ ];
example = [ pkgs.luajitPackages.busted pkgs.luajitPackages.luafilesystem ]; example = [ pkgs.luajitPackages.busted pkgs.luajitPackages.luafilesystem ];
description = '' description = ''
Lua packages to make available in Neovim Lua environment. Lua packages to make available in Neovim Lua environment.
@ -151,7 +151,8 @@ in
''; ''; = mkIf = mkIf
(cfg.termBufferAutoChangeDir || cfg.nvrAliases.enable) shellConfig; (cfg.termBufferAutoChangeDir || cfg.nvrAliases.enable)
programs.neovim.plugins = lib.singleton ( programs.neovim.plugins = lib.singleton (
pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix { pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
@ -164,4 +165,4 @@ in
} }
); );
}; };
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ { system ? builtins.currentSystem
system ? builtins.currentSystem, , config ? { }
config ? {}, , overlays ? [ ]
overlays ? [], , ...
}@args: }@args:
import (import ./default.nix).inputs.nixpkgs-unstable args import (import ./default.nix).inputs.nixpkgs-unstable args

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ final: prev: {
darkBase = "002b36"; # base03 darkBase = "002b36"; # base03
darkBasehl = "073642"; # base02 darkBasehl = "073642"; # base02
darkestTone = "586e75"; # base01 darkestTone = "586e75"; # base01
darkTone = "657b83"; # base00 darkTone = "657b83"; # base00
lightTone = "839496"; # base0 lightTone = "839496"; # base0
lightestTone = "93a1a1"; # base1 lightestTone = "93a1a1"; # base1
lightBasehl = "eee8d5"; # base2 lightBasehl = "eee8d5"; # base2
@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ final: prev: {
}; };
}; };
}; };
} }