cargo fmt

Usmann Khan 2022-12-16 23:55:32 +00:00
parent 224ed7e7c4
commit 4fd8a76698
1 changed files with 126 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::thread;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::panic;
use std::str;
use std::cmp;
use std::ops::Sub;
use std::ops::{Deref};
use std::fs;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fs;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::ops::Sub;
use std::panic;
use std::process;
use std::str;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Location {
x: isize,
y: isize
y: isize,
impl<'a> Sub for &'a Location {
type Output = isize;
@ -23,29 +23,29 @@ impl<'a> Sub for &'a Location {
(self.x - other.x).abs() + (self.y - other.y).abs()
#[derive(Default, PartialEq)]
struct Sensor {
loc: Location,
visibility: usize,
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Beacon {
loc: Location
loc: Location,
struct ComparableRange(RangeInclusive<isize>);
impl ComparableRange {
pub fn intersects(&self, other:&ComparableRange) -> bool {
self.contains(other.start()) ||
pub fn intersects(&self, other: &ComparableRange) -> bool {
self.contains(other.start()) || other.contains(self.start())
pub fn intersection(&self, other:&ComparableRange) -> ComparableRange {
pub fn intersection(&self, other: &ComparableRange) -> ComparableRange {
match self.intersects(other) {
false => panic!("Ranges do not intersect"),
true => ComparableRange(cmp::min(*self.start(), *other.start())..=cmp::max(*self.end(),*other.end()))
true => ComparableRange(
cmp::min(*self.start(), *other.start())..=cmp::max(*self.end(), *other.end()),
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ impl Deref for ComparableRange {
const PART_1_CONST:isize = 2000000;
const PART_2_CONST:isize = 4000000;
const PART_1_CONST: isize = 2000000;
const PART_2_CONST: isize = 4000000;
fn main() {
@ -71,7 +71,10 @@ fn run() {
fn process_part_2<'a, T>(lines: T) where T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str> {
fn process_part_2<'a, T>(lines: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
let (sensors, worker_bundles) = prep_work(lines);
let mut handles = Vec::new();
@ -81,13 +84,18 @@ fn process_part_2<'a, T>(lines: T) where T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str> {
let worker_bundles = Arc::clone(&bundle_storage);
let sensors = Arc::clone(&sensor_storage);
let bounds = 0..=PART_2_CONST;
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {do_part2_work(worker_bundles, worker, &bounds, sensors)} );
let handle = thread::spawn(move || do_part2_work(worker_bundles, worker, &bounds, sensors));
handles.into_iter().for_each(|handle|{ handle.join();});
handles.into_iter().for_each(|handle| {
fn prep_work<'a, T>(lines: T) -> (Vec<Sensor>, HashMap<isize, Vec<usize>>) where T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str> {
fn prep_work<'a, T>(lines: T) -> (Vec<Sensor>, HashMap<isize, Vec<usize>>)
T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
let (sensors, _) = parse(lines);
let mut worker_bundles = HashMap::new();
for worker in 0..99 {
@ -97,38 +105,56 @@ fn prep_work<'a, T>(lines: T) -> (Vec<Sensor>, HashMap<isize, Vec<usize>>) where
worker_bundles.insert(worker, work_item);
// remainder worker
let worker = 99;
let mut work_item = Vec::new();
for sensor in &sensors {
let chunk_s = sensor.visibility / 100;
let remainder = sensor.visibility - (99*chunk_s);
let remainder = sensor.visibility - (99 * chunk_s);
worker_bundles.insert(worker, work_item);
(sensors, worker_bundles)
fn do_part2_work(worker_bundles: Arc<HashMap<isize, Vec<usize>>>, worker: isize, bounds: &RangeInclusive<isize>, sensors: Arc<Vec<Sensor>>) {
|x| {
for (work_idx, work_item) in x.into_iter().enumerate() {
fn do_part2_work(
worker_bundles: Arc<HashMap<isize, Vec<usize>>>,
worker: isize,
bounds: &RangeInclusive<isize>,
sensors: Arc<Vec<Sensor>>,
) {
worker_bundles.get(&worker).and_then(|x| {
for (work_idx, work_item) in x.into_iter().enumerate() {
for idx in 0..*work_item {
let dist = isize::try_from(idx).unwrap() + worker*isize::try_from(*work_item).unwrap();
let dist =
isize::try_from(idx).unwrap() + worker * isize::try_from(*work_item).unwrap();
let sensor = &sensors[work_idx];
let visibility = isize::try_from(sensor.visibility).unwrap();
let x_left = sensor.loc.x-dist;
let x_right = sensor.loc.x+dist;
let y_lower = sensor.loc.y + (visibility-dist) + 1;
let y_upper = sensor.loc.y - (visibility-dist) - 1;
[(x_left, y_upper), (x_right, y_upper), (x_left, y_lower), (x_right, y_lower)].into_iter().for_each(|coord| {
if !(bounds).contains(&coord.0) || !(bounds).contains(&coord.1) { return }
if (sensors).iter().all(|tgt_sensor| {
&tgt_sensor.loc - &Location{x:coord.0, y:coord.1} > isize::try_from(tgt_sensor.visibility).unwrap()
let x_left = sensor.loc.x - dist;
let x_right = sensor.loc.x + dist;
let y_lower = sensor.loc.y + (visibility - dist) + 1;
let y_upper = sensor.loc.y - (visibility - dist) - 1;
(x_left, y_upper),
(x_right, y_upper),
(x_left, y_lower),
(x_right, y_lower),
.for_each(|coord| {
if !(bounds).contains(&coord.0) || !(bounds).contains(&coord.1) {
if sensors.iter().all(|tgt_sensor| {
- &Location {
x: coord.0,
y: coord.1,
> isize::try_from(tgt_sensor.visibility).unwrap()
}) {
println!("{:?}", coord.0*4000000+coord.1);
println!("{:?}", coord.0 * 4000000 + coord.1);
@ -138,40 +164,61 @@ fn do_part2_work(worker_bundles: Arc<HashMap<isize, Vec<usize>>>, worker: isize,
fn process_part_1<'a, T>(lines: T) where T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str> {
fn process_part_1<'a, T>(lines: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
let (sensors, beacons) = parse(lines);
let target_row = PART_1_CONST;
let mut impossible_ranges:Vec<ComparableRange> = Vec::new();
let mut impossible_ranges: Vec<ComparableRange> = Vec::new();
for sensor in (&sensors).into_iter() {
let visibility = isize::try_from(sensor.visibility).unwrap();
let dist_to_target = &sensor.loc - &(Location {x:sensor.loc.x, y:target_row});
if dist_to_target > visibility { continue }
let dist_to_target = &sensor.loc
- &(Location {
x: sensor.loc.x,
y: target_row,
if dist_to_target > visibility {
let impossible_width = visibility - dist_to_target;
let impossible_range = sensor.loc.x-impossible_width..=sensor.loc.x+impossible_width;
let impossible_range = sensor.loc.x - impossible_width..=sensor.loc.x + impossible_width;
impossible_ranges.sort_by(|a,b| a.start().cmp(b.start()));
impossible_ranges.sort_by(|a, b| a.start().cmp(b.start()));
merge(&mut impossible_ranges);
let beacons_in_row = beacons.into_iter().filter(|b| {
if b.loc.y != target_row {
return false
(&impossible_ranges).into_iter().any(|r| r.contains(&b.loc.x))
println!("{}", impossible_ranges.into_iter().map(|r| r.end()-r.start()+1).sum::<isize>()-isize::try_from(beacons_in_row).unwrap());
let beacons_in_row = beacons
.filter(|b| {
if b.loc.y != target_row {
return false;
.any(|r| r.contains(&b.loc.x))
.map(|r| r.end() - r.start() + 1)
- isize::try_from(beacons_in_row).unwrap()
fn merge(impossible_ranges: &mut Vec<ComparableRange>) {
let mut merge_idx = 0;
while merge_idx < impossible_ranges.len()-1 {
if (*impossible_ranges)[merge_idx].intersects(&impossible_ranges[merge_idx+1]) {
while merge_idx < impossible_ranges.len() - 1 {
if (*impossible_ranges)[merge_idx].intersects(&impossible_ranges[merge_idx + 1]) {
let r1 = &impossible_ranges[merge_idx];
let r2 = &impossible_ranges[merge_idx+1];
let r2 = &impossible_ranges[merge_idx + 1];
impossible_ranges.insert(merge_idx + 2, r1.intersection(&r2));
impossible_ranges.remove(merge_idx + 1);
} else {
merge_idx += 1;
@ -180,30 +227,35 @@ fn merge(impossible_ranges: &mut Vec<ComparableRange>) {
fn parse<'a, T>(lines: T) -> (Vec<Sensor>, Vec<Beacon>)
where T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str> {
T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
let mut sensors = Vec::new();
let mut beacons = Vec::new();
let extract_ints = |s: &str| {
s.split(&['=', ',', ':'][..])
.filter_map(|s| s.parse::<isize>().ok())
let loc_sets = lines.into_iter().map(extract_ints);
loc_sets.for_each(|loc_set| {
let sensor_loc = Location {x:loc_set[0], y:loc_set[1]};
let beacon_loc = Location {x:loc_set[2], y:loc_set[3]};
let visibility = usize::try_from(&sensor_loc-&beacon_loc).unwrap();
loc: sensor_loc,
visibility: visibility
let beacon = Beacon{
loc: beacon_loc
let sensor_loc = Location {
x: loc_set[0],
y: loc_set[1],
let beacon_loc = Location {
x: loc_set[2],
y: loc_set[3],
let visibility = usize::try_from(&sensor_loc - &beacon_loc).unwrap();
sensors.push(Sensor {
loc: sensor_loc,
visibility: visibility,
let beacon = Beacon { loc: beacon_loc };
if !beacons.contains(&beacon) {
(sensors, beacons)