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p.content check out my #[a(href='') github account]!
h1.title #[a(href='') Boilertalk]
Boilertalk is a project I'm working on with my fiancée to enable social
psychology researchers to easily simulate a social media platform to
garner realistic interactions and behaviors from students for the purpose
of research studies.
h1.title #[a(href='') OpenIdeas]
OpenIdeas is a platform I'm working on with Jay Hankins for
#[a(href='') Purdue USB] and the Purdue
Undergraduate CS Community. We hope to implement it this year
to give students a way to voice concerns or improvements for
the department, then vote on and discuss them.
h1.title #[a(href='') Mischief/Lemming]
Mischief is the backend component of the lemming project, a group
project for Purdue's senior design class that was meant as a queuing
system to help lab TAs or group leaders manage large groups of students
or members who need help with an assignment or project.
h1.title #[a(href='') Kuva]
Kuva was a small iOS app meant as a regional, location centric clone
of Instagram that would allow you to see and interact with popular photos
taken by users nearby you.
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