{% extends "base.html" %} {% block main_content %} {{ post_macros::page_header(title="blog posts") }} <p>if you want to subscribe to updates, <a href="/atom.xml">an atom feed</a> is available.</p> <div class="list"> {%- if paginator %} {%- set show_pages = paginator.pages -%} {% else %} {% set section = get_section(path="posts/_index.md") %} {%- set show_pages = section.pages -%} {% endif -%} {{ post_macros::list_posts(pages=show_pages) }} </div> {% endblock main_content %} {% block trailing_content %} {% if paginator %} <ul class="pagination"> {% if paginator.previous %} <span class="page-item page-prev"> <a href={{ paginator.previous | safe }} class="page-link" aria-label="Previous"><span aria-hidden="true">← Prev</span></a> </span> {% endif %} {% if paginator.next %} <span class="page-item page-next"> <a href={{ paginator.next | safe }} class="page-link" aria-label="Next"><span aria-hidden="true">Next →</span></a> </span> {% endif %} </ul> {% endif %} {% endblock trailing_content %}