+++ title = "privacy notice" path = "privacy" +++ ## summary i want to respect your pivacy, while still getting some insight into the readership of my site. no "personally identifiable information" or "sensitive information" is collected, and no data is shared with external parties. - goatcounter stats are collected via javascript or tracking pixel. - no server logs are collected. - the site is hosted by fly.io. - no data is shared. ## data that i collect ### goatcounter statistics in order to have an idea about what sort of readership pages on this site are getting, i use a fly.io-hosted instance of [goatcounter](https://github.com/arp242/goatcounter/). views are tracked with javascript, or a tracking pixel if javascript is disabled. the following statistics are tracked in goatcounter: - sessions - page visits, unique within an 8 hour window - referrer - Referer header, campaign parameters (utm_campaign, utm_source, ref) - country - language - supported languages from Accept-Language if you wish to opt out of statistics tracking on this site, you can disable javascript and images being loaded from `stats.mat.services`. goatcounter is intended to be privacy-friendly and respect your data. [take a look at the privacy policy for goatcounter here](https://www.goatcounter.com/help/privacy), although bear in mind that mat.services does not use the cloud-hosted version of goatcounter. ### server logs no server logs are collected. ## site hosting this site is hosted on fly.io. [see this page for fly.io's privacy statement](https://fly.io/legal/privacy-policy/). ## data that i share collected data is not shared with any third parties. ## questions or comments reach out to mat@mat.services if you have questions about this privacy notice.