diff --git a/content/posts/gitea-on-fly-io/index.md b/content/posts/gitea-on-fly-io/index.md index 570e00d..471ef78 100644 --- a/content/posts/gitea-on-fly-io/index.md +++ b/content/posts/gitea-on-fly-io/index.md @@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ Uh. Hm. I just got an email saying a Fly.io instance ran out of memory and crash
Fly.io memory dashboard -
Fly.io memory dashboard

Fly.io memory dashboard

That doesn't look so great. It seems like Gitea idles just under the amount of memory we have with a default instance size, and operations like `git push` can bump it over the threshold to an out-of-memory error. Let's check out the "Scale" section of the dashboard, and increase the memory allotment for this VM:
Fly.io VM scaling interface -
Fly.io VM scaling interface

Fly.io VM scaling interface

I have been running my Gitea install on a 512MB instance since the first day I started using it, which seems to be plenty of headroom for personal use. If you open up your Gitea installation to the public and it starts to get popular, you might end up needing to scale up further.