services: archivebox: container_name: archivebox image: archivebox/archivebox:dev # command: server --quick-init # TODO: hack to workaround entrypoint: /bin/bash command: -c "chown -R archivebox:archivebox /app/archivebox/core/migrations && /app/bin/ server --quick-init" environment: - ALLOWED_HOSTS=* - MEDIA_MAX_SIZE=750m - RESOLUTION=1024,768 volumes: - /media/mat/passport-5tb/archivebox:/data labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.http.routers.archive.rule=Host(`archive.mat`)" - "traefik.http.routers.archive.entrypoints=web" - "" - "traefik.http.routers.archive.service=archive" - "" networks: - traefik # To run the Sonic full-text search backend, first download the config file to sonic.cfg # curl -O # after starting, backfill any existing Snapshots into the index: docker-compose run archivebox update --index-only # sonic: # image: valeriansaliou/sonic:v1.3.0 # expose: # - 1491 # environment: # - SEARCH_BACKEND_PASSWORD=SecretPassword # volumes: # - ./sonic.cfg:/etc/sonic.cfg:ro # - ./data/sonic:/var/lib/sonic/store ### Optional Addons: tweak these examples as needed for your specific use case # Example: Run scheduled imports in a docker instead of using cron on the # host machine, add tasks and see more info with archivebox schedule --help # scheduler: # image: archivebox/archivebox:latest # command: schedule --foreground --every=day --depth=1 '' # environment: # - USE_COLOR=True # - SHOW_PROGRESS=False # volumes: # - ./data:/data # Example: run all your ArchiveBox traffic through a WireGuard VPN tunnel # wireguard: # image: linuxserver/wireguard # network_mode: 'service:archivebox' # cap_add: # - NET_ADMIN # - SYS_MODULE # sysctls: # - net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2 # - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 # volumes: # - /lib/modules:/lib/modules # - ./wireguard.conf:/config/wg0.conf:ro # Example: Run PYWB in parallel and auto-import WARCs from ArchiveBox # pywb: # image: webrecorder/pywb:latest # entrypoint: /bin/sh 'wb-manager add default /archivebox/archive/*/warc/*.warc.gz; wayback --proxy;' # environment: # - INIT_COLLECTION=archivebox # ports: # - 8080:8080 # volumes: # ./data:/archivebox # ./data/wayback:/webarchive networks: traefik: external: true