{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { # Fish Shell # https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/options.html#opt-programs.fish.enable programs.fish.enable = true; # Add Fish plugins home.packages = with pkgs.fishPlugins; [ done ]; programs.fish.plugins = [ { name = "fisher"; src = pkgs.fisher-src; } ]; home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/fish/fish_plugins".text = '' jorgebucaran/autopair.fish jorgebucaran/replay.fish jorgebucaran/getopts.fish americanhanko/fish-spin joseluisq/gitnow fishpkg/fish-humanize-duration oh-my-fish/plugin-bang-bang matthewess/fish-autovenv jethrokuan/z Gazorby/fish-abbreviation-tips ''; home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/fish/conf.d/rose-pine.fish".source = "${pkgs.fish-rose-pine}/rose-pine.fish"; # Fish functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ programs.fish.functions = { # User functions mkdcd = { argumentNames = [ "target" ]; body = '' mkdir -p $target cd $target ''; }; unz = { argumentNames = [ "target" ]; body = '' # strip extensions string match \*.zip $target; and set target (string split -r -m1 . $target)[1] unzip -d $target $target ''; }; # Helpers # Toggles `$term_background` between "light" and "dark". Other Fish functions trigger when this # variable changes. We use a universal variable so that all instances of Fish have the same # value for the variable. toggle-background.body = '' if test "$term_background" = light set -U term_background dark else set -U term_background light end ''; # Set `$term_background` based on whether macOS is light or dark mode. Other Fish functions # trigger when this variable changes. We use a universal variable so that all instances of Fish # have the same value for the variable. set-background-to-macOS.body = '' if is-dark-mode set -U term_background dark else set -U term_background light end ''; # Set `$term_background` based on an env var. set-background-to-env = { argumentNames = [ "env_var" ]; body = '' switch $$env_var case 1 echo "Setting dark mode" set -U term_background dark case 0 echo "Setting light mode" set -U term_background light end ''; }; # Sets Fish Shell to light or dark colorscheme based on `$term_background`. set-shell-colors = { body = '' # Use correct theme for `btm` if test "$term_background" = light alias btm "btm --color default-light" else alias btm "btm --color default" end # Set LS_COLORS set -xg LS_COLORS (${pkgs.vivid}/bin/vivid generate one-$term_background) # Set color variables if test "$term_background" = light set emphasized_text brgreen # base01 set normal_text bryellow # base00 set secondary_text brcyan # base1 set background_light white # base2 set background brwhite # base3 else set emphasized_text brcyan # base1 set normal_text brblue # base0 set secondary_text brgreen # base01 set background_light black # base02 set background brblack # base03 end # Set Fish colors that change when background changes set -g fish_color_command $emphasized_text --bold # color of commands set -g fish_color_param $normal_text # color of regular command parameters set -g fish_color_comment $secondary_text # color of comments set -g fish_color_autosuggestion $secondary_text # color of autosuggestions set -g fish_pager_color_prefix $emphasized_text --bold # color of the pager prefix string set -g fish_pager_color_description $selection_text # color of the completion description set -g fish_pager_color_selected_prefix $background set -g fish_pager_color_selected_completion $background set -g fish_pager_color_selected_description $background ''; onVariable = "term_background"; }; init-shell-colors.body = '' set -g fish_color_quote cyan # color of commands set -g fish_color_redirection brmagenta # color of IO redirections set -g fish_color_end blue # color of process separators like ';' and '&' set -g fish_color_error red # color of potential errors set -g fish_color_match --reverse # color of highlighted matching parenthesis set -g fish_color_search_match --background=yellow set -g fish_color_selection --reverse # color of selected text (vi mode) set -g fish_color_operator green # color of parameter expansion operators like '*' and '~' set -g fish_color_escape red # color of character escapes like '\n' and and '\x70' set -g fish_color_cancel red # color of the '^C' indicator on a canceled command ''; from-dir = { argumentNames = [ "dir" ]; body = '' pushd $dir set -e argv[1] $argv popd ''; }; darwin-rebuild-edit-with = { argumentNames = [ "editor" "file" ]; body = '' if test -z "$file" set file flake.nix end from-nix $editor $file ''; }; nix-unfree = { argumentNames = [ "cmd" ]; body = '' env NIX_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix $cmd --impure ''; }; }; # }}} # Fish configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ # Aliases programs.fish.shellAliases = let inherit (config.home.primaryUser) nixConfigDirectory; in with pkgs; { # Nix related from-nix = "from-dir ${nixConfigDirectory}"; # darwin-rebuild build drb = "from-nix darwin-rebuild build --flake ."; # darwin-rebuild switch full drsf = "from-nix darwin-rebuild switch --flake ."; # darwin-rebuild switch (no homebrew) drs = "from-nix darwin-rebuild switch --flake . --override-input homebrew-enabled github:boolean-option/false"; # edit darwin-rebuild config in code/codium drc = "code ${nixConfigDirectory}"; # edit darwin-rebuild config in vim drv = "vim ${nixConfigDirectory}"; # edit darwin-rebuild config in helix drh = "darwin-rebuild-edit-with hx"; flakeup = "nix flake update ${nixConfigDirectory}/"; nb = "nix build"; nd = "nix develop"; nf = "nix flake"; nr = "nix run"; nru = "nix-unfree run"; ns = "nix search nixpkgs"; nsh = "nix shell"; nshu = "nix-unfree shell"; nrp = "nix repl --expr '{ pkgs = (import { }); }'"; nrpu = "nix repl --expr '{ pkgs = (import { config.allowUnfree = true; }); }' --impure"; # Other ".." = "cd .."; ":q" = "exit"; cat = "${bat}/bin/bat --style=plain --paging=never"; du = "${du-dust}/bin/dust"; g = "${gitAndTools.git}/bin/git"; ls = "${exa}/bin/exa"; ll = "ls -l --time-style long-iso --icons"; la = "ll -a"; http = "${xh}/bin/xh"; https = "${xh}/bin/xhs"; top = "${bottom}/bin/btm"; htop = "${bottom}/bin/btm"; tb = "toggle-background"; } // lib.optionalAttrs stdenv.isDarwin { sb = "set-background-to-macOS"; conda-init = "eval /opt/homebrew/bin/conda 'shell.fish' 'hook' $argv | source"; }; # Configuration that should be above `loginShellInit` and `interactiveShellInit`. programs.fish.shellInit = '' set -U fish_term24bit 1 ${lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin "set-background-to-macOS"} ''; programs.fish.interactiveShellInit = '' set -g fish_greeting "(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ hello (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ" fish_vi_key_bindings set VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT true bind -M insert ! __history_previous_command bind -M insert '$' __history_previous_command_arguments ${pkgs.thefuck}/bin/thefuck --alias | source # Run function to set colors that are dependent on `$term_background` and to register them so # they are triggered when the relevent event happens or variable changes. set-shell-colors # Set Fish colors that aren't dependent the `$term_background`. init-shell-colors ''; # }}} }