{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: # Let-In --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ let inherit (lib) mkIf; colorsToKitty = colors: with colors; { inherit background foreground selection_background selection_foreground tab_bar_background active_tab_background active_tab_foreground inactive_tab_background inactive_tab_foreground; cursor = white; cursor_text_color = background; color0 = black; color8 = black; color1 = red; color9 = red; color2 = green; color10 = lime; color3 = yellow; color11 = orange; color4 = blue; color12 = blue; color5 = magenta; color13 = magenta; color6 = cyan; color14 = cyan; color7 = white; color15 = white; url_color = brightgreen; }; in # }}} { # Kitty terminal # https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/conf.html # https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/options.html#opt-programs.kitty.enable programs.kitty.enable = true; # General config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ programs.kitty.settings = { # # https://fsd.it/shop/fonts/pragmatapro/ # font_family = "PragmataPro Mono Liga"; font_family = "FiraCode Nerd Font"; font_size = "14.0"; adjust_line_height = "120%"; disable_ligatures = "cursor"; # disable ligatures when cursor is on them # Window layout hide_window_decorations = "titlebar-only"; window_padding_width = "10"; # Tab bar tab_bar_edge = "top"; tab_bar_style = "powerline"; tab_powerline_style = "slanted"; tab_title_template = "Tab {index}: {title}"; active_tab_font_style = "bold"; inactive_tab_font_style = "normal"; tab_activity_symbol = "💬"; # Shell integration manually enabled for fish shell_integration = "disabled"; }; # Change the style of italic font variants # programs.kitty.extraConfig = '' # font_features PragmataProMonoLiga-Italic +ss06 # font_features PragmataProMonoLiga-BoldItalic +ss07 # ''; programs.kitty.extras.useSymbolsFromNerdFont = "FiraCode Nerd Font"; # }}} # Colors config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {{{ programs.kitty.extras.colors.enable = true; programs.kitty.extras.colors.dark = colorsToKitty pkgs.lib.colors.tokyonight.dark; programs.kitty.extras.colors.light = colorsToKitty pkgs.lib.colors.tokyonight.light; programs.fish.functions.set-term-colors = { body = '' if test "$term_background" = light term-light else term-dark end ''; onVariable = "term_background"; }; programs.fish.interactiveShellInit = '' # Set term colors based on value of `$term_background` when shell starts up. set-term-colors # Manually enable shell integration if set -q KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR set --global KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION enabled source "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_conf.d/kitty-shell-integration.fish" set --prepend fish_complete_path "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_completions.d" end ''; programs.fish.shellAliases = { s = "kitty +kitten ssh"; e = "edit-in-kitty"; }; # }}} # Fix icon config programs.kitty.extras.fixIcon = { enable = true; appPath = "~/Applications/Home\\ Manager\\ Apps/kitty.app"; iconPath = "~/Development/kitty-icon/kitty-dark.icns"; }; }