use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::env; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::fs; use std::ops::{Range, RangeInclusive}; use std::path; use std::{cmp::Ordering, fmt::Display}; use anyhow::{Error, Result}; use chrono::{Datelike, Local}; use itertools::Itertools; use pico_args::Arguments; use scraper::{Html, Selector}; use ureq::get; fn get_aoc(suffix: impl Display) -> Result { let url = format!("{suffix}"); let cookie = env::var("AOC_COOKIE")?; get(&url) .set("Cookie", &cookie) .call()? .into_string() .map_err(Error::new) } fn load_input(day: u32, small: bool) -> Result { let suffix = if small { ".small" } else { "" }; let path = format!("inputs/{day}{suffix}.txt"); let path = path::Path::new(&path); if path.exists() { fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(Error::new) } else if small { let content = get_aoc(day)?; let dom = Html::parse_document(&content); let selector = Selector::parse("p + pre code").unwrap(); for item in { if item .parent() .unwrap() .prev_siblings() .nth(1) .unwrap() .children() .next() .unwrap() .value() .as_text() .unwrap() .contains("For example") { let content = item.text().collect(); println!("downloaded and parsed example input for {day}"); fs::write(path, &content)?; return Ok(content); } } Err(Error::msg( "had an oopsie parsing the example input for {day}", )) } else { let content = get_aoc(format!("{day}/input"))?; println!("downloaded input for day {day}"); fs::write(path, &content)?; Ok(content) } } fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut args = Arguments::from_env(); let small = args.contains("--small"); let part = args.opt_free_from_str()?.unwrap_or(1); let day = args .opt_free_from_str()? .unwrap_or_else(|| Local::now().day()); let input = load_input(day, small)?; println!("running day {day} part {part}"); let result = SOLUTIONS[day as usize - 1][part as usize - 1](input); println!("{result}"); Ok(()) } macro_rules! solutions { ($($all:expr),*) => { const DAYS: usize = 0 $( + solutions!(@expand $all 1) )*; const SOLUTIONS: [Day; DAYS] = [ $($all),* ]; }; (@expand $ignore:tt $e:expr) => {$e}; } enum Output { Num(u64), Str(String), } impl Display for Output { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Output::Num(n) => write!(f, "{n}"), Output::Str(s) => write!(f, "{s}"), } } } impl From for Output { fn from(n: u64) -> Self { Self::Num(n) } } impl From for Output { fn from(s: String) -> Self { Self::Str(s) } } type Part = fn(String) -> Output; type Day = [Part; 2]; solutions! { [ // day 1 part 1 |input| { let lines = input.lines(); let (max, _) = lines.fold((0, 0), |(max, sum), line| { if line.is_empty() { (max.max(sum), 0) } else { let cal = line.parse::().expect("Got bad line"); (max, sum + cal) } }); max.into() }, // day 1 part 2 |input| { let lines = input.lines(); let (a, b, c, _) = lines.fold((0, 0, 0, 0), |(a, b, c, sum), line| { if line.trim().is_empty() { if sum > a { (sum, a, b, 0) } else if sum > b { (a, sum, b, 0) } else if sum > c { (a, b, sum, 0) } else { (a, b, c, 0) } } else { let cal = line.trim().parse::().expect("Got bad line"); (a, b, c, sum + cal) } }); (a + b + c).into() }, ], [ // day 2 part 1 |input| { input .lines() .map(|line| { let (you, me) = line.split_once(' ').expect("oof"); let (you, me) = (RPS::from_str(you), RPS::from_str(me)); RPS::score(you, me) }) .sum::().into() }, // day 2 part 2 |input| { input .lines() .map(|line| { let (you, out) = line.split_once(' ').expect("oof"); let (you, out) = (RPS::from_str(you), Outcome::from_str(out)); let me = out.requires(you); RPS::score(you, me) }) .sum::().into() }, ], [ // day 3 part 1 |input| { input .lines() .map(|line| { let line = String::from(line); let rs = Rucksack::new(line); rs.score() }) .sum::().into() }, // day 3 part 2 |input| { let lines: Vec<_> = input.lines().collect(); lines .chunks(3) .map(|chunks| match chunks { [f, s, t] => { let rs = Rucksacks::new(String::from(*f), String::from(*s), String::from(*t)); rs.score() } _ => unreachable!("fooey"), }) .sum::().into() }, ], [ // day 4 part 1 |input| { (make_ranges(input) .iter() .filter(|(first, second)| { range_contains(first, second) || range_contains(second, first) }) .count() as u64).into() }, // day 4 part 2 |input| { (make_ranges(input) .iter() .filter(|(first, second)| range_overlaps(first, second) || range_overlaps(second, first)) .count() as u64).into() }, ], [ // day 5 part 1 |input| { let midpt = input.find("\n\n").unwrap(); let stacks = make_stacks(&input[..=midpt]); let rules = make_rules(&input[midpt + 2..]); run_rules(stacks, rules).into() }, // day 5 part 2 |input| { let midpt = input.find("\n\n").unwrap(); let stacks = make_stacks(&input[..=midpt]); let rules = make_rules(&input[midpt + 2..]); run_rules_9001(stacks, rules).into() }, ], [ // day 6 part 1 |input| find_start_marker(input, 4).into(), // day 6 part 2 |input| find_start_marker(input, 14).into(), ], [ // day 7 part 1 |input| { let cmds = make_commands(input); let dirs = produce_dirs(cmds); sum_dirs_at_most_100k(dirs).into() }, // day 7 part 2 |input| { let cmds = make_commands(input); let dirs = produce_dirs(cmds); find_smallest_big_dir(dirs).into() }, ], [ // day 8 part 1 |input| { let map = map_trees(input); let len = map.len(); let mut count: u64 = 4 * len as u64 - 4; for x in 1..len - 1 { for y in 1..len - 1 { if is_visible(&map, x, y, len) { count += 1; } } } count.into() }, // day 8 part 2 |input| { let map = map_trees(input); let len = map.len(); let mut max = 0; for x in 0..len { for y in 0..len { let score = view_score(&map, x, y, len); if score > max { max = score; } } } max.into() }, ], [ // day 9 part 1 |input| { let motions = parse_motions(input); let visits = motion_visits(motions, 2); (visits.len() as u64).into() }, // day 9 part 2 |input| { let motions = parse_motions(input); let visits = motion_visits(motions, 10); (visits.len() as u64).into() }, ], [ // day 10 part 1 |input| { let cmds = input.lines().map(Cmd::from_str).collect(); Screen::new().get_signal_strength(cmds).into() }, // day 10 part 2 |input| { let cmds = input.lines().map(Cmd::from_str).collect(); Screen::new().draw(cmds).to_string().into() } ], [ // day 11 part 1 |input| { let monkeys = input.split("\n\n").map(|s| Monkey::from_str(s, false)).collect(); run_rounds(monkeys, 20).into() }, // day 11 part 2 |input| { let monkeys = input.split("\n\n").map(|s| Monkey::from_str(s, true)).collect(); run_rounds(monkeys, 10000).into() } ], [ // day 12 part 1 |input| { let map = Map::from_string(input); map.navigate(map.start).unwrap().into() }, // day 12 part 1 |input| { let map = Map::from_string(input); map.best_navigate().into() }, ], [ // day 13 part 1 |input| { let pairs = Value::make_value_pairs(input); sum_matching_pairs(pairs).into() }, // day 13 part 2 |input| { let values = input.lines().filter(|line| !line.is_empty()).map(Value::from_str).collect_vec(); find_decoder_key(values).into() }, ], [ // day 14 part 1 |input| { let lines = input.lines().map(make_points).flat_map(make_lines).collect_vec(); Sandmap::from_lines(lines, false).drop_sand().into() }, // day 14 part 2 |input| { let lines = input.lines().map(make_points).flat_map(make_lines).collect_vec(); Sandmap::from_lines(lines, true).fill_sand().into() } ], [ // day 15 part 1 |input| { todo!() }, // day 15 part 2 |input| { todo!() }, ], [ // day 16 part 1 |input| { todo!() }, // day 16 part 2 |input| { todo!() }, ] } fn make_points(line: &str) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { line.split(" -> ") .map(|pair| { pair.split(',') .map(|n| n.parse::().unwrap()) .collect_tuple() .unwrap() }) .collect() } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum Line { V { x: usize, ys: RangeInclusive }, H { xs: RangeInclusive, y: usize }, } fn make_range(start: usize, end: usize) -> RangeInclusive { if start > end { end..=start } else { start..=end } } fn make_lines(pts: Vec<(usize, usize)>) -> Vec { pts.into_iter() .tuple_windows() .map(|((start_x, start_y), (end_x, end_y))| { if start_x == end_x { Line::V { x: start_x, ys: make_range(start_y, end_y), } } else { Line::H { xs: make_range(start_x, end_x), y: start_y, } } }) .collect() } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Tile { Rock, Empty, Sand, } impl Display for Tile { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let c = match self { Tile::Rock => '#', Tile::Empty => '.', Tile::Sand => 'o', }; write!(f, "{c}") } } struct Sandmap { map: Vec>, depth: usize, start: usize, entry: usize, end: usize, } impl Sandmap { fn _draw(&self) { for y in[0].len() { for x in 0..(self.end - self.start) + 1 { let tile =[x][y]; print!("{tile}") } println!() } } fn fill_sand(mut self) -> u64 { let mut n = 0; let (mut x, mut y) = self.drop_one_fill(); while (x, y) != (self.entry, 0) {[x][y] = Tile::Sand; n += 1; (x, y) = self.drop_one_fill(); } n + 1 } fn drop_sand(mut self) -> u64 { let mut n = 0; while let Some((x, y)) = self.drop_one() {[x][y] = Tile::Sand; n += 1 } n } fn drop_one_fill(&mut self) -> (usize, usize) { let mut sand = (self.entry, 0); while let Some(next) = self.gravity(sand) { if next == sand { return sand; } sand = next } let (x, _) = sand; let mut col = vec![Tile::Empty; self.depth + 1]; col[self.depth] = Tile::Rock; if x < self.entry {, col); self.start -= 1; self.entry += 1; (0, self.depth - 1) } else {; self.end += 1; (x + 1, self.depth - 1) } } fn drop_one(&self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { let mut sand = (self.entry, 0); while let Some(next) = self.gravity(sand) { if next == sand { return Some(sand); } sand = next } None } fn gravity(&self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { if y == self.depth { None } else if[x][y + 1] == Tile::Empty { Some((x, y + 1)) } else if x == 0 { None } else if[x - 1][y + 1] == Tile::Empty { Some((x - 1, y + 1)) } else if x >= (self.end - self.start) { None } else if[x + 1][y + 1] == Tile::Empty { Some((x + 1, y + 1)) } else { Some((x, y)) } } fn from_lines(mut lines: Vec, with_floor: bool) -> Self { let (min_x, max_x, mut max_y) = lines .iter() .cloned() .fold((500, 500, 0), |(min_x, max_x, max_y), line| match line { Line::V { x, ys } => (min_x.min(x), max_x.max(x), max_y.max(*ys.end())), Line::H { xs, y } => { (min_x.min(*xs.start()), max_x.max(*xs.end()), max_y.max(y)) } }); if with_floor { max_y += 2; lines.push(Line::H { xs: min_x..=max_x, y: max_y, }) } let mut map = vec![vec![Tile::Empty; max_y + 1]; max_x - min_x + 1]; for line in lines { match line { Line::V { x, ys } => { for y in ys { map[x - min_x][y] = Tile::Rock; } } Line::H { xs, y } => { for x in xs { map[x - min_x][y] = Tile::Rock; } } } } Self { map, depth: max_y, start: min_x, entry: 500 - min_x, end: max_x, } } } fn find_decoder_key(mut values: Vec) -> u64 { let (p1, p2) = Value::divider_packets(); values.extend([p1.clone(), p2.clone()]); values.sort(); let k1 = values.iter().position(|v| *v == p1).unwrap() + 1; let k2 = values.iter().position(|v| *v == p2).unwrap() + 1; (k1 * k2) as u64 } fn sum_matching_pairs(pairs: Vec<(Value, Value)>) -> u64 { pairs .iter() .map(|(left, right)| left.is_ordered(right)) .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, ob)| { if ob.is_some() && ob.unwrap() { Some(1 + i as u64) } else { None } }) .sum() } fn split_list(input: &str) -> Vec<&str> { let mut items = vec![]; let mut start = 1; let mut list_depth = 0; for i in 1..input.len() { match &input[i..i + 1] { "," if list_depth == 0 => { items.push(&input[start..i]); start = i + 1; } "[" => list_depth += 1, "]" => list_depth -= 1, _ => {} } } items.push(&input[start..input.len() - 1]); items } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Value { List(Vec), Number(u64), } impl PartialOrd for Value { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { if self == other { Some(Ordering::Equal) } else if self .is_ordered(other) .expect("Bad is_ordered in partial_cmp") { Some(Ordering::Less) } else { Some(Ordering::Greater) } } } impl Ord for Value { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.partial_cmp(other).unwrap() } } impl Value { fn wrap_list(self) -> Value { Value::List(vec![self]) } fn divider_packets() -> (Value, Value) { ( Value::Number(2).wrap_list().wrap_list(), Value::Number(6).wrap_list().wrap_list(), ) } fn make_value_pairs(input: String) -> Vec<(Value, Value)> { input .trim() .split("\n\n") .map(|pair| { pair.split('\n') .filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) .map(Value::from_str) .next_tuple() .unwrap() }) .collect() } fn from_str(input: &str) -> Value { if input.starts_with('[') { let items = if input == "[]" { Vec::new() } else { split_list(input).into_iter().map(Self::from_str).collect() }; Value::List(items) } else { let n = input.parse::().expect(input); Value::Number(n) } } fn is_ordered(&self, right: &Value) -> Option { match (self, right) { (Value::Number(left), Value::Number(right)) => { if left == right { None } else { Some(left < right) } } (Value::List(left), Value::List(right)) => { let mut left = left.iter(); let mut right = right.iter(); loop { match (, { (None, None) => return None, (None, Some(_)) => return Some(true), (Some(_), None) => return Some(false), (Some(left), Some(right)) => { if let Some(b) = left.is_ordered(right) { return Some(b); } } } } } (Value::List(_), Value::Number(_)) => self.is_ordered(&right.clone().wrap_list()), (Value::Number(_), Value::List(_)) => self.clone().wrap_list().is_ordered(right), } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Map { map: Vec>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), } impl Map { fn best_navigate(self) -> u64 { .iter() .enumerate() .flat_map(|(x, row)| { row.iter() .enumerate() .map(move |(y, level)| (x, y, *level)) .filter_map(|(x, y, level)| if level == 0 { Some((x, y)) } else { None }) }) .flat_map(|start| self.navigate(start)) .min() .unwrap() } fn navigate(&self, start: (usize, usize)) -> Option { let mut q = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = HashSet::new(); visited.insert(start); q.push_back((start, 0)); while !q.is_empty() { let ((x, y), steps) = q.pop_front().unwrap(); let level =[x][y]; if (x, y) == self.end { return Some(steps); } for (nx, ny, nlevel) in self.neighbors(x, y) { if !visited.contains(&(nx, ny)) && nlevel <= level + 1 { visited.insert((nx, ny)); q.push_back(((nx, ny), steps + 1)) } } } None } fn neighbors(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> impl Iterator { let mut ns = vec![]; if x > 0 { ns.push((x - 1, y,[x - 1][y])) } if x < - 1 { ns.push((x + 1, y,[x + 1][y])) } if y > 0 { ns.push((x, y - 1,[x][y - 1])) } if y <[0].len() - 1 { ns.push((x, y + 1,[x][y + 1])) } ns.into_iter() } fn from_string(input: String) -> Self { let mut map = vec![]; let mut start = (0, 0); let mut end = (0, 0); for (row, line) in input.trim().lines().enumerate() { let new_row = line .chars() .enumerate() .map(|(col, c)| match c { 'S' => { start = (row, col); 0 } 'E' => { end = (row, col); 25 } _ => c as isize - 'a' as isize, }) .collect(); map.push(new_row); } Map { map, start, end } } } fn run_rounds(mut monkeys: Vec, n: usize) -> u64 { let mod_factor: usize = monkeys.iter().map(|m| m.test).product(); let mut counts = vec![0; monkeys.len()]; for round in 1..=n { let next = run_round(&mut monkeys, mod_factor); counts = next.iter().zip(counts).map(|(x, y)| x + y).collect(); if round % 1000 == 0 || round == 20 || round == 1 {} } counts.sort(); counts[counts.len() - 1] * counts[counts.len() - 2] } fn run_round(monkeys: &mut Vec, mod_factor: usize) -> Vec { let mut inspects = vec![]; for i in 0..monkeys.len() { let monkey = &mut monkeys[i]; let throws = monkey.take_turn(mod_factor); inspects.push(throws.len() as u64); for (to, item) in throws { monkeys[to].items.push(item) } } inspects } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum OpType { Add, Mul, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct Op { op_type: OpType, operand: Option, } impl Op { fn operand(s: &str) -> Option { match s { "old" => None, _ => Some(s.parse::().unwrap()), } } fn from_str(s: &str) -> Self { let (op_type, y) = s.split_once(' ').unwrap(); Self { op_type: match op_type { "+" => OpType::Add, "*" => OpType::Mul, _ => unreachable!("whoa"), }, operand: Self::operand(y), } } fn apply(&self, old: usize) -> usize { let operand = self.operand.unwrap_or(old); match self.op_type { OpType::Add => old.wrapping_add(operand), OpType::Mul => old.wrapping_mul(operand), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct Monkey { items: Vec, operation: Op, test: usize, throw_true: usize, throw_false: usize, part_two: bool, } impl Monkey { fn from_str(s: &str, part_two: bool) -> Self { let (_, s) = s.split_once('\n').unwrap(); let (items, s) = s.split_once('\n').unwrap(); let (operation, s) = s.split_once('\n').unwrap(); let (test, s) = s.split_once('\n').unwrap(); let (throw_true, throw_false) = s.split_once('\n').unwrap(); Monkey { items: items .strip_prefix(" Starting items: ") .unwrap() .split(", ") .map(|n| n.parse::().unwrap()) .collect(), operation: Op::from_str(operation.strip_prefix(" Operation: new = old ").unwrap()), test: test .strip_prefix(" Test: divisible by ") .unwrap() .parse::() .unwrap(), throw_true: throw_true .strip_prefix(" If true: throw to monkey ") .unwrap() .parse::() .unwrap(), throw_false: throw_false .strip_prefix(" If false: throw to monkey ") .unwrap() .trim() .parse::() .unwrap(), part_two, } } fn take_turn(&mut self, mod_factor: usize) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { self.items .drain(..) .map(|item| { let level = self.operation.apply(item); let level = if self.part_two { level % mod_factor } else { level / 3 }; if level % self.test == 0 { (self.throw_true, level) } else { (self.throw_false, level) } }) .collect() } } struct Screen { x: isize, cycle: isize, strength: isize, output: String, } impl Screen { fn new() -> Self { Screen { x: 1, cycle: 1, strength: 0, output: String::new(), } } fn step_cycle(&mut self) { println!("cycle {}, x={}", self.cycle, self.x); self.cycle += 1; if (self.cycle - 20) % 40 == 0 { println!( "cycle {}, x={}, signal={}", self.cycle, self.x, self.x * self.cycle ); self.strength += self.x * self.cycle; } } fn get_signal_strength(&mut self, cmds: Vec) -> u64 { for cmd in cmds { match cmd { Cmd::Noop => self.step_cycle(), Cmd::Addx(n) => { self.step_cycle(); self.x += n; self.step_cycle(); } } } self.strength as u64 } fn draw_cycle(&mut self) { let coord = (self.cycle - 1) % 40; let sprite = self.x - 1..=self.x + 1; if sprite.contains(&coord) { self.output.push('#'); } else { self.output.push('.'); } if self.cycle % 40 == 0 { self.output.push('\n') } self.cycle += 1 } fn draw(&mut self, cmds: Vec) -> &str { for cmd in cmds { match cmd { Cmd::Noop => self.draw_cycle(), Cmd::Addx(n) => { self.draw_cycle(); self.draw_cycle(); self.x += n; } } } &self.output } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum Cmd { Noop, Addx(isize), } impl Cmd { fn from_str(s: &str) -> Self { match s { "noop" => Cmd::Noop, _ => Cmd::Addx(s[5..].parse::().unwrap()), } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct Pos { x: isize, y: isize, } struct Rope { knots: Vec, tail: usize, } impl Rope { fn head(&mut self) -> &mut Pos { &mut self.knots[0] } fn tail(&mut self) -> &mut Pos { &mut self.knots[self.tail] } fn pull(&mut self) { for i in 0..self.tail { let head = self.knots[i]; let tail = self.knots[i + 1]; self.knots[i + 1] = move_tail(head, tail); } } } fn move_tail(head: Pos, tail: Pos) -> Pos { let diff_x = head.x - tail.x; let diff_y = head.y - tail.y; if diff_x.abs() < 2 && diff_y.abs() < 2 { tail } else if diff_y == 0 { Pos { x: tail.x + (diff_x / diff_x.abs()), ..tail } } else if diff_x == 0 { Pos { y: tail.y + (diff_y / diff_y.abs()), ..tail } } else { Pos { x: tail.x + (diff_x / diff_x.abs()), y: tail.y + (diff_y / diff_y.abs()), } } } fn motion_visits(motions: Vec, n_knots: usize) -> HashMap { let mut map = HashMap::new(); let pos = Pos { x: 0, y: 0 }; let mut rope = Rope { knots: vec![pos; n_knots], tail: n_knots - 1, }; map.insert(pos, 1); for motion in motions { for _ in 0..motion.len { match motion.dir { Dir::U => rope.head().y += 1, Dir::D => rope.head().y -= 1, Dir::L => rope.head().x -= 1, Dir::R => rope.head().x += 1, } rope.pull(); if let Some(n) = map.get(&pos) { map.insert(*rope.tail(), *n + 1); } else { map.insert(*rope.tail(), 1); } } } map } fn parse_motions(input: String) -> Vec { input .lines() .map(|line| { let (dir, len) = line.split_once(' ').unwrap(); let dir = match dir { "U" => Dir::U, "D" => Dir::D, "L" => Dir::L, "R" => Dir::R, _ => unreachable!("ohno"), }; let len = len.parse::().unwrap(); Motion { dir, len } }) .collect() } struct Motion { dir: Dir, len: isize, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Dir { U, D, L, R, } fn view_length( me: u8, map: &[Vec], xs: impl Iterator + Debug, ys: impl Iterator + Clone + Debug, ) -> u64 { let mut len = 0; for x in xs { for y in ys.clone() { if map[x][y] >= me { return len + 1; } len += 1; } } len } fn view_score(map: &[Vec], x: usize, y: usize, len: usize) -> u64 { let me = map[x][y]; view_length(me, map, (0..x).rev(), y..y + 1) * view_length(me, map, x + 1..len, y..y + 1) * view_length(me, map, x..x + 1, (0..y).rev()) * view_length(me, map, x..x + 1, y + 1..len) } fn is_visible_single(me: u8, map: &[Vec], xs: Range, ys: Range) -> bool { for x in xs { for y in ys.clone() { if map[x][y] >= me { return false; } } } true } fn is_visible(map: &[Vec], x: usize, y: usize, len: usize) -> bool { let me = map[x][y]; is_visible_single(me, map, 0..x, y..y + 1) || is_visible_single(me, map, x + 1..len, y..y + 1) || is_visible_single(me, map, x..x + 1, 0..y) || is_visible_single(me, map, x..x + 1, y + 1..len) } fn map_trees(input: String) -> Vec> { input .lines() .map(|line| line.chars().map(to_digit).collect()) .collect() } fn to_digit(c: char) -> u8 { c as u8 - 48 } fn find_smallest_big_dir(mut dirs: HashMap) -> u64 { let total = 70_000_000; let wants = 30_000_000; let used = dirs.remove("").unwrap(); let free = total - used; let diff = wants - free; dirs.into_iter() .filter_map(|(_, v)| if v > diff { Some(v) } else { None }) .min() .unwrap() } fn sum_dirs_at_most_100k(dirs: HashMap) -> u64 { dirs.into_iter() .filter_map(|(_, v)| if v < 100_000 { Some(v) } else { None }) .sum() } fn produce_dirs(commands: Vec) -> HashMap { let mut map = HashMap::new(); let mut path = vec![String::new()]; for command in commands { match command { Command::Cd(cd) => match cd { Path::Root => path = vec![String::new()], Path::Parent => { path.pop(); } Path::Named(dir) => path.push(dir), }, Command::Ls(entries) => { for Entry::File(size) in entries { let mut new_path = String::new(); for part in path.iter() { new_path.push_str(part); if let Some(n) = map.get(&new_path) { map.insert(new_path.clone(), n + size); } else { map.insert(new_path.clone(), size); } new_path.push('/') } } } } } map } fn make_commands(input: String) -> Vec { let mut commands = vec![]; let mut lines = input.lines().peekable(); while lines.peek().is_some() { let next =; commands.push(match &next[2..4] { "cd" => { let path = match &next[5..] { "/" => Path::Root, ".." => Path::Parent, name => Path::Named(name.into()), }; Command::Cd(path) } "ls" => { let mut entries = vec![]; while let Some(line) = lines.peek() { if line.starts_with('$') { break; } let line =; if line.starts_with("dir") { // woop } else { let (size, _) = line.split_once(' ').unwrap(); entries.push(Entry::File(size.parse::().unwrap())) } } Command::Ls(entries) } erg => unreachable!("{erg}"), }) } commands } #[derive(Debug)] enum Command { Cd(Path), Ls(Vec), } #[derive(Debug)] enum Path { Root, Parent, Named(String), } #[derive(Debug)] enum Entry { File(u64), } fn find_start_marker(input: String, window_size: usize) -> u64 { for i in 0..input.len() - window_size { let window = &input[i..i + window_size]; let set: HashSet = HashSet::from_iter(window.chars()); if set.len() == window_size { return (i + window_size) as u64; } } unreachable!() } fn run_rules_9001(mut stacks: Vec>, rules: Vec) -> String { for rule in rules { let total = stacks[rule.from - 1].len(); let mut moved = stacks[rule.from - 1].drain((total - rule.n)..).collect(); stacks[ - 1].append(&mut moved); } let mut s = String::new(); for stack in stacks { s.push(*stack.last().unwrap()) } s } fn run_rules(mut stacks: Vec>, rules: Vec) -> String { for rule in rules { for _ in 0..rule.n { let c = stacks[rule.from - 1].pop().unwrap(); stacks[ - 1].push(c); } } let mut s = String::new(); for stack in stacks { s.push(*stack.last().unwrap()) } s } fn make_stacks(input: &str) -> Vec> { let n = (input.find('\n').unwrap()) / 4 + 1; let mut stacks = vec![vec![]; n]; input .lines() .rev() .filter(|line| line.trim().starts_with('[')) .for_each(|line| { for (idx, cr8) in line.chars().skip(1).step_by(4).enumerate() { if cr8 != ' ' { stacks[idx].push(cr8); } } }); stacks } #[derive(Debug)] struct Rule { n: usize, from: usize, to: usize, } impl Rule { fn new(raw: Vec) -> Self { Self { n: raw[0], from: raw[1], to: raw[2], } } } fn make_rules(input: &str) -> Vec { input .lines() .map(|line| { line.split_whitespace() .skip(1) .step_by(2) .map(|num| num.parse::().unwrap()) .collect() }) .map(Rule::new) .collect() } fn make_ranges(input: String) -> Vec<(RangeInclusive, RangeInclusive)> { input .lines() .map(|line| { line.split(',') .map(|range| { range .split('-') .map(|num| num.parse::().expect("bad num :/")) }) .map(|mut nums| { let lo ="nolo :/"); let hi ="nohi :/"); lo..=hi }) }) .map(|mut ranges| { let f =; let s =; (f, s) }) .collect() } fn range_contains(r1: &RangeInclusive, r2: &RangeInclusive) -> bool { r1.start() <= r2.start() && r1.end() >= r2.end() } fn range_overlaps(r1: &RangeInclusive, r2: &RangeInclusive) -> bool { r1.contains(r2.start()) } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum RPS { Rock, Paper, Scissors, } impl RPS { fn from_str(s: &str) -> Self { match s { "A" | "X" => RPS::Rock, "B" | "Y" => RPS::Paper, "C" | "Z" => RPS::Scissors, _ => unreachable!("you did a bad thing"), } } fn win(self) -> RPS { match self { RPS::Rock => RPS::Scissors, RPS::Paper => RPS::Rock, RPS::Scissors => RPS::Paper, } } fn lose(self) -> RPS { match self { RPS::Rock => RPS::Paper, RPS::Paper => RPS::Scissors, RPS::Scissors => RPS::Rock, } } fn cmp(self, other: Self) -> Ordering { if self == other { Ordering::Equal } else if == other { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Less } } fn score(you: Self, me: Self) -> u64 { let base = match me { RPS::Rock => 1, RPS::Paper => 2, RPS::Scissors => 3, }; let win = match RPS::cmp(me, you) { Ordering::Less => 0, Ordering::Equal => 3, Ordering::Greater => 6, }; base + win } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum Outcome { Win, Draw, Lose, } impl Outcome { fn from_str(s: &str) -> Self { match s { "X" => Outcome::Lose, "Y" => Outcome::Draw, "Z" => Outcome::Win, _ => unreachable!("yikes"), } } fn requires(self, you: RPS) -> RPS { match self { Outcome::Win => you.lose(), Outcome::Draw => you, Outcome::Lose =>, } } } struct Rucksack { first: HashSet, second: HashSet, } impl Rucksack { fn new(mut input: String) -> Self { assert!(input.len() % 2 == 0); let second = input.split_off(input.len() / 2).chars().collect(); Self { first: input.chars().collect(), second, } } fn overlap(&self) -> HashSet<&char> { self.first.intersection(&self.second).collect() } fn score(&self) -> u64 { self.overlap().into_iter().copied().map(score_char).sum() } } struct Rucksacks { first: HashSet, second: HashSet, third: HashSet, } impl Rucksacks { fn new(f: String, s: String, t: String) -> Self { Rucksacks { first: f.chars().collect(), second: s.chars().collect(), third: t.chars().collect(), } } fn intersection(&self) -> HashSet { let start: HashSet<_> = self.first.intersection(&self.second).copied().collect(); start.intersection(&self.third).copied().collect() } fn score(&self) -> u64 { self.intersection().into_iter().map(score_char).sum() } } fn score_char(c: char) -> u64 { if c.is_lowercase() { c as u64 - 96 } else { c as u64 - 38 } }